Our Expertise and Experience
Pippa's has worked for more than 35 years on marketing and business development strategies for lawyers and law firms all over the world. She asked to speak regularly on these topics and include:
- Win, Keep, Grow Clients - Paris - May 2018
Win, keep and grow clients - Sydney - October 2017
- "Maximise your International Reach" - UKTI Skills Seminar - 3 March 2011
- "COPACABANA - A Path to Networking" - First Trade Fair of the Legal Profession in Europe and the Mediterranean Arch, Lawyers Network - Barcelona, February 2011
- “Win More Work: Turn Contacts into Clients and Referrers” - Association of Women Solicitors - 22nd October 2010
- “Building Your Reputation - The Five Ingredients” - International Bar Association Annual Conference - 7th October 2010
- "Giving a Winning Presentation" - International Bar Association Annual Conference - Thursday 7th 2010
- "Increasing your value to current and future clients: Pippa’s RAINBOW strategy" - International Bar Association Annual Conference - Wednesday 6th 2010
- "Turning contacts into clients and referrers: Pippa’s COPACABANA approach to international networking" - International Bar Association Annual Conference - Monday 4th October
- “Network with Confidence: Turn Contacts into Clients” - Lex Mundi - Women and the Law Committee Breakfast - 2nd October 2010
- “Masterclass: Presenting, Pitching and Winning International Business for Legal and Accountancy Services” - Global London Workshops - 16th July 2010
- “How to Deliver a Cost-Effective Service” - Central Law Training - 24th June 2010
- “Productive Networking Nationally and Internationally” - Global London Workshops, West London Business – Hounslow - 22nd June 2010
- “Increase your international sales from exhibitions” - Global London Workshops, West London Business - 17th June 2010
- “International Business Meetings: Turning contacts into clients” - Global London Workshops - 28th May 2010
- Masterclass: “Successful Rainmaking for Lawyers – turn your contacts into clients and referrers” - Ark Conferences Ltd - 12th May 2010
- “Turn contacts into clients: 5 steps” - Nigerian Bar Association, Section on Business Law - In Abuja, Nigeria, on 7th April 2010
Pippa wows the Nigerian Bar Association's 5th Business Law Conference
Pippa attracted star billing at this month's 5th Section on Business Law Conference, for the Nigerian Bar Association.
Pippa's contribution at the event, which took place at the Sheraton Hotel in Abuja, focused on one of her most popular topics "Turning Contacts into Clients".
The audience was made up of lawyers from all over the country and included a former Nigerian Vice President , and a king from the Niger Delta area.
Read the press coverage of Pippa's event from "This Day"
- “Post-exhibition workshop: Following up leads from exhibitions” - GLE OneLondon - 31st March 2010
- “Turn your contacts into customers and clients: develop your international business success” - Global London Workshops - 26th March 2010
- “How to maximise your international reach” (exhibiting skills seminar) - GLE OneLondon - 25th March 2010
- "Turn your Contacts into Customers and Clients: Develop Your International Business Success" - UK Trade & Investment - 18th March 2010
- "Successful Rainmaking for Lawyers - Turn Contacts into Clients, Referrers and Ambassadors" - Ark Group - 18th February 2010
- "Productive International Networking" - UKTI, West London Business - 11th February 2010
- “Successful negotiating in International Business Markets” - Global London Workshops - 17th November 2009
- "International Business Meetings - turning contacts into clients" - UK Trade & Investment - 3rd November 2009
- "Developing your Networking Skills" - Danish Association of Attorneys and Assistant Attorneys (FAAF-Foreningen af ansatte advokater og advokatfuldmægtige) - In Copenhagen on 24th October 2009
- Pippa spoke at the Insolvency Survival Guide SPG Forum in Warwickshire on 16th October 2009.
- "Negotiating for Success: how to emerge from every negotiation feeling good" - the Associat
ion of Women's Solicitors - 15th September 2009
- "Beating the recession: Network and Turn Contacts into Clients" - Not Out - Thursday 23rd April 2009
Bill's work includes:
Bill ran a 3 day Community Relations Development programme for a global oil company in Nigeria, April 2010
- Bill's presentation "Demystifying the EU - from Theory to Practice" given to the Industry & Parliament Trust's European Study Programme, November 2009.
- Slides from Bill's presentation to a British Parking Association regional group, July 2009
- Bill's speaking engagements at Parkex April 2009, in Birmingham
- Feature on Bill's SPARKS work in the EU Reporter special focus report November 2008
- Bill quoted in the 'Daily Telegraph' concerning traffic enforcement, June 2008
- Bill quoted in Peterborough Today website / press March 2008
- Bill as speaker at the International Bar Association conference, December 2007
- Bill quoted in 'The Times' concerning foreign registered vehicle enforcement, November 2007
- Petition on No10 website concerning traffic enforcement, November 2007
- Quotations by Bill in Law Society 'Solutions' magazine, May 2007
- Transport for London press release announcing the launch of our Eurosparks project, March 2007
- Bill's work quoted in House of Commons Transport Select Committee, 7th Report 2006
- Scoping study for London Councils - preliminary SPARKS project work 2005
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- Asked yourself, “How can I get away from this boring person?”
- Forgotten somebody’s name as soon as you are introduced?
- Not known what to say, after you have been introduced?
- Felt like a pushy salesman when trying to follow-up?
If your answer to any one of these questions is “Yes”, then Pippa’s pocket guide is a must for you.
Skills & Training
For the public and legal sector we provide skills development through bespoke training and coaching services which we tailor-make to your requirements. We cover a wide range of training on management, business development, project and risk management. We provide this in-house and through webcasts and conference calls.
Please contact us. We should be delighted to help. >>
The PEP Partnership LLP is owned and managed by Bill and Pippa Blakemore.
Portrait photos taken by Nick Atkins